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 PRG Mouse Calls         Description of High-Level Mouse Functions

 twAddMSpot()            Add a mouse HotSpot to caller array.
 twAMButtonPress()       Press information for an array of Regions.
 twAMClickShow()         ** Display Click for an array of regions.
 twAMFound()             Determine if the mouse is in an array of Regions.
 twDelMSpot()            Remove a mouse HotSpot from a caller array.
 twM2Click()             Check for a Double Click.
 twMAddSpot()            ** Add HotSpot to TSDWIN STATIC array.
 twMakeRegions()         Create window coordinates.
 twMBPress()             Return Mouse Button Press Information.
 twMBRelease()           Return Mouse Button Release Information.
 twMButtonDown()         Which Button is down?.
 twMClickShow()          ** Display Click in a region.
 twMClose()              ** Close TSDWIN STATIC Region array.
 twMConfine()            Confine Mouse to a region.
 twMCrsOff()             Turn Mouse Cursor Off.
 twMCrsOn()              Turn Mouse Cursor On.
 twMCursor()             Toggle Mouse cursor state.
 twMDefCrs()             Define Mouse Cursor Shape and Colour.
 twMDelSpot()            ** Remove Region from TSDWIN STATIC array.
 twMFound()              Determine if the Mouse cursor is in a Region.
 twMFree()               Free Up Mouse Confines.
 twMGetLimits()          Obtain the Mouse Confine Settings.
 twMGetPress()           Determine where a mouse press occurred.
 twMGetRC()              The Mouse Row and Column number.
 twMGetRCPress()         Row/Column where a mouse press occurred.
 twMGetRegions()         ** Get a reference to TSDWIN STATIC Mouse Array.
 twMGetXPress()          Get X coordinate of a mouse button Press.
 twMGetYorn()            ** Display moused YES/NO box.
 twMGetYPress()          Get Y coordinate of a mouse button Press.
 twMGetMickeys()         Get the mouse mickey Rate.
 twMOpen()               Open a TSDWIN Region Array.
 twMouseInit()           Initialize the Mouse.
 twMRegPress()           See if there was a Mouse Button Press in Region.
 twMReset()              Reset the Mouse.
 twMResetRegions()       ** ReInitialize TSDWIN STATIC Region array.
 twMSetRC()              Set Mouse Cursor Row and Column number.
 twMSetRegions()         ** Save regions to a TSDWIN region array.
 twMXConfine()           Horizontally Confine the mouse.
 twMYConfine()           Vertically Confine the mouse.
 twOKMouse()             Is the Mouse Installed?.
 twSet2Click()           Set Double Click time.
 twSetMPause()           Set Default Pause time.
 twSetMRTime()           Default Release time.

 C/ASM Functions         Low-level display and hardware functions.

 tw_ASay()               Display an Array of strings ( 2  colours ).
 tw_GetKSt()             Get Special Key Status.
 tw_MdDial()             Dial the Modem.
 tw_MdInit()             Initialize the Modem.
 tw_MdPort()             Initialize a COM Port (1/2).
 tw_MdSt()               Return the Modem Status.
 tw_MdStr()              Send a string to the Modem.
 tw_NtxPos()             Find offset from top of index file.
 tw_NtxRec()             Find record number given position.
 tw_Say()                Display a String.
 tw_Say2()               Display a string in 2 Colours.
 tw_Scr2Str()            Change a SaveScreen variable to a Clipper String.
 tw_ScrApp()             Append a line to a screen.
 tw_ScrDel()             Delete a line from a screen.
 tw_ScrXtr()             Extract a region from a screen.
 tw_SetKSt()             Set Special Key Status.
 tw_TFile()              Display a Text File.
 tw_VAttr()              Set the Display Colour.
 _twAttrChg()            Change Colour in a SaveScreen.
 _twClock()              Display a Clock.
 _twExplode()            Display a Region using an explosion.
 _twIsDrive()            Get a Drive's Status.
 _twKBoard()             Stuff Keyboard with any key (one at a time).

 ASM Mouse Calls        Description of Low-Level Mouse Functions

 _twM0A()                Reset Mouse.
 _twM1()                 Show Mouse Cursor.
 _twM2()                 Hide Mouse Cursor.
 _twM3B()                Get Mouse Button Status.
 _twM3C()                Get X coordinate of Mouse.
 _twM3D()                Get Y coordinate of Mouse.
 _twM4()                 Set Mouse Position.
 _twM5A()                Status of Button Presses (0 = up, 1 = down).
 _twM5B()                Number of Presses of Button.
 _twM5C()                Get X coordinate of Last Button Press.
 _twM5D()                Get Y coordinate of Last Button Press.
 _twM6A()                Button Status Releases.
 _twM6B()                Number of Button Releases.
 _twM6C()                Get X coordinate of Last Button Released.
 _twM6D()                Get Y coordinate of Last Button Released.
 _twM7()                 Set Mouse Max and Min Horizontal Position.
 _twM8()                 Set Mouse Max and Min Vertical Position.
 _twM10()                Set Mouse Cursor Type.
 _twM11C()               Get Horizontal Direction of Mouse.
 _twM11D()               Get Vertical Direction of Mouse.
 _twM16()                Conditional Cursor Off.
 _twM26()                Set Mouse Sensitivity and Double Speed Threshold.
 _twM27B()               Get Horizontal Mouse Sensitivity.
 _twM27C()               Get Vertical Mouse Sensitivity.
 _twM27D()               Get Double Speed Threshold.
 _twM33()                Software Reset.
 _twM42A()               Get Internal Cursor Flag.
 _twM49A()               Get Minimum X Coordinate Limit.
 _twM49B()               Get Minimum Y Coordinate Limit.
 _twM49C()               Get Maximum X Coordinate Limit.
 _twM49D()               Get Maximum Y Coordinate Limit.

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